architecture & landscape

The topic of this blog is an architectural design with focus on the relationship of architecture to landscape.

Documented is the work in progress by Niya Syarova, Stephan Sobl and Stefan Ritter.

The task was assigned to the Studio Greg Lynn, University of Applied Arts, Vienna in the summer semester of 2009.

>> Apertures

mass dissolving, becoming porous, creating apertures

>> Dissolving


architectural mass dissolving into the landscape

interior mass, the poché dissolves creating intimate spaces

>> Bibliography 2.0

Shooting into the Corner
by Anish Kapoor

the object without author is just another fiction
it is full of the sublime, like the void full of dark space

>> Bibliography 1.0

Material Elegance
by Manuel DeLanda

defy prediction
ultrasensitiv manifestation
generate order

Sensations of the Sublime
by Kivi Sotamaa

complexity of natural formations
evolved environments and objects
sense the presence of logic

>> Impact on landscape